Monday, 20 May 2013

Glenarm notes

Here we are, still in Glenarm, where the O2 mobile broadband is slower than a sloth, 
so no pictures today. We didn't set off this morning because the Met Office forecast 
fog, and we had quite enough with the fog y'day ... and that was creeping along the 
coast whereas the next step is across the North Channel from Ireland to Scotland.  
The North Channel has a reputation, and it isn't a good one. 'Lumpy' is the local 
word, which in our terms means short, steep seas that are very uncomfortable with 
lots of spray and putting strain on the boat's gear ... and it's occupants.  In fact 
the boat is the stronger - it's the crew that need to be looked after and avoid 

Today's high point was lunch at Glenarm's only cafe.  Somehow the rest of the day 
disappeared in passage planning for the North Channel crossing (to be attempted with 
various fall-back plans tomorrow, because we'll be close-hauled into a F5 with wind 
over a 2-3 knot tide ... the yachties reading this will know that's a recipe for 
'lumpy'), and jobs including battening down (modern equivalent = gaffer tape) the 

Billy the Harbour Master here has been really helpful, and we fuelled up using his 20 
litre containers and 'dibbler' - a pipe with a one-way valve that let's you siphon 
from container to fuel tank without spilling a drop (must get one of those!).

Right now at 1830 it is grey and threatening with the wind moaning in the rigging ... 
so we'll see what it's like at 0630 tomorrow.  Our friends John and Margie, with whom 
we hoped to sail in company, were a week ahead of us (due to us being stuck in Fleetwood) and are now heading south from Iona, so we may yet meet in Islay.  On the other hand, there's more terrible weather heading towards us (and them) so we may only wave as they surf past us.

Someone asked for a map showing our track ... sorry we're not that sophisticated yet, you'll have to refer to your own atlas.  Maybe if we ever get decent mobile broadband again we'll look into it.  But do keep up the Comments, we love reading them.

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